Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Flux Capacitor.

I ponder on the idea of wishful backtracking. Something that carries an unrealistic concept only a DeLorean with a flux capacitor could solve.

Silence can be both deadly and surreal, calm with a side of  internal calamity.

Choices change the directions of our journey as it shifts the paths beneath our feet.
Will I walk upon smoothed silver sands or unforgiving gravel? Will this path be surrounded by peaceful trees overflowing with wisteria or the towering deadened branches of a catastrophic storm?

In the midst of a life changing evolution there's not much time for stagnate sitting and "woa is me's."
You're only as strong as your next move and changes can't be made with an army of motionless men.

Feet down fail me now. You must become the plutonium that brings promise of flight.

Though I lack the essential components of a time machine and there's no Back in Time there's always Forward to the Future.

Huey Lewis you better bring some good News.

" Don't bet your future
On one roll of the dice
Better remember
Lightning never strikes twice

Take me away, I don't mind 
 you better promise me 
I'll be back in Time..."

-"Back in Time"-Huey Lewis & The News